20. und 21. Januar 2018 – Masterclass Weekend with Ralph Gibson!
This is a rare opportunity to expand your visual horizons under the guidance of one of the great masters in contemporary photography. This two day workshop is designed to identify the strength and weaknesses in your photography, helping you to see photographs differently.
Gibson will lead an in-depth review and critique of each participant’s portfolio or body of work.
Over the next two days, using the nude figure as the point of departure, participants will learn how to see in terms of texture, shape and form. Gibson will share his mastery and expertise with lighting, guiding you and demonstrating various techniques, that will help you create images uniquely your own.
Topics covered include:
- Seeing vs. Perception
- Finding a point of departure.
- Discovering your visual signature
- Developing projects for books and exhibition
Strictly limited to 12 students, this is the longest, most intimate workshop, Gibson has lead in recent years. Students have raved about their experience with Mr. Gibson, calling the workshop “…a life changing experience”.
Message from Ralph Gibson:
“The great photographers we admire all have their personal ‘visual signature’ by which we instantly recognize their work. There are consistent visual indicators such as unique shapes and forms that are inherent in the work. These indicators are evident in the images of all serious photographers. However, they are often not well perceived or understood by the photographer because of his/her emotional involvement. This workshop will point out these signs and signifiers.
A visual signature is built by understanding these shapes, forms and attitudes. The workshop will address these issues. Thinking visually is important as seeing visually.”
Location: Schloss Arenberg, Arenbergstraße 10, 5020 Salzburg / Austria
Timing: 20th and 21st of January 2018 (each day starts at 9:00 and ends in the late afternoon)
Max. 12 Persons
Price 950,00 Euro
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